terça-feira, 10 de junho de 2008


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Gilvando Pereira “Azeitona” (PB) Graduou-se pela UFPB no curso bacharelado em trombone na classe dos professores Radegundis Feitosa e Sandoval de Oliveira, 1995. Exerceu a função de trombonista titular na Orquestra Sinfônica Jovem da Paraíba, de 1989 a 1994 e na Sinfônica da Paraíba 1994 a 1998. Há dez anos integra o quarteto de trombones da Paraíba, tendo participado com o mesmo de diversos eventos no Brasil e no exterior, além da participação na gravação de três CD´s. Sócio fundador da ABT (Associação Brasileira de Trombonistas) e representante regional. Recentemente participou do Festival Internacional de Trombones 2002. na University of North, Texas – EUA, promovida pelo ITA (Internacional Trombone Association). Atualmente é professor de trombone na EMUFRN, atuando nos cursos de Bacharelado, Técnico, Básico e Extensão.


O professor Gilvando Pereira e Turna

O professor Costinha com aluno




Brazilian Trombone Ensemble

Brazilian Trombone Ensemble

The Brazilian Trombone Ensemble is a group of six recognized Brazilian trombone players and percussionist. The idea of organizing the ensemble was born during the national trombone meeting of the Brazilian Trombone Association, in February of 2001, when the Paraíba Trombone Quartet (Sandoval De Oliveira, Roberto Angelo, Gilvando Pereira and Stanley Bernardo), Radegundis Feitosa and Renato Farias got together to play some trombone sextets. They have performed at various musical events in Brazil and also the 2002 ITF in Denton, TX and the 2003 ITF in Helsinki, Finland.. The musical affinity plus the idea of promoting the instrument and it’s traditional and contemporary music repertory, including a special attention to the so rarely played Brazilian music repertory to the instrument, seemed to be shared by all members of the ensemble who started immediately working on the searching of the already existing pieces for this kind of group and also commissioning some new ones. The Ensemble’s first recording, Desafios/Challenges, was released on July 2003.

FOTOS -Tudo começou pela aqui....

Heleno Feitosa Costa e Joanita Feitosa, Gilvando, João Leite , Raimunda Leite e João Pereira
Meu pai e Minha Mãe!!!